I identified so much with your discussion of tarot and using it as intuition development and also exposure therapy! That is exactly how I have been seeing it. ❤️

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I loved this conversation and identified with it so much! It's so encouraging to hear similar journeys and paths to mine and know that I'm not alone. I was just thinking about how much I love the lights and candles and rituals and essentially the altars (even though I never called them that before) of the holiday season, and how that's always what has made it my favorite season (more so than the religious aspects). And I had the epiphany (ha, unintentional Christmas pun) that I can take the parts that I love and do them for all the sabbats, not just Yule! What's stopping me from using candles and altars throughout the year? Nothing! How exciting to make this discovery! Bring on the witchiness this year.

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I'm really looking forward to digging into this book as soon as I can get my hands on it. Thank you so much for this conversion.

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I cannot tell you how much I loved this! I've had Kandi's book in my cart since it came out and I'm about to give myself a little solstice treat.

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I loved having this conversation! Thank you for having me and for all the work you do in the world.

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