Now finished the whole thing. It would be great to have a transcript of part 2 at some point: there's so much valuable stuff in that whole conversation.

Above all, it's challenged me to acknowledge that what I've hazily thought of as my "deconstruction"(while never really resonating with that word) has really been my *deconversion*. To acknowledge that I am *out*, and staying out.

The really key point there is when you talk about how you're not really even interested in Jesus now, and I realised how that's true for me, too: I just can't see any way to make a 1stC apocalyptic prophet who was casually crucified and whose body was eaten by dogs or thrown into a mass grave relevant to my life – and all the ways that Christians, and *especially* progressive Christians, find to do so seem to end up in some form of appropriation, supersessionism or outright antisemitism (see how the word "Pharisee" functions in a lot of progressive Christian discourse).

And when you don't believe in God and aren't even interested in Jesus – well, you're not a Christian anymore, are you?

Now I just need to work out how to reconcile that with my continuing special interests in the Bible, (classical) church music and church architecture…

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DL you are asking OCP autistic people like me to listen to one episode of another podcast out of order? 😩 😉

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This was so good! I was relating so much to both of you. It's so nice to get a couple of nuerodivergent people together to talk about this, there is flow in understanding eachother and not having to explain it.

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thank you for offering a transcript! very interesting conversation.

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The bit where you talked about thinking you weren't naive and vulnerable to exploitation, and then having to rethink that: whoa. I'm going to have to sit with that for a little while.

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