Jan 23Liked by Krispin Mayfield

Thank you for writing this.

I just read the graphic novel, Button Pusher, and found it to be such a moving story--I would love to know if you've read and what you thought of it!

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Jan 23Liked by Krispin Mayfield

Love this! Thanks for creating this great resource.

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Thanks Krispin for writing this post. It is infuriating and incredible to me how only recently did it the dual diagnosis of ADHD and autism become a conceivable possibility in the clinical setting. There is so much catching up to be done, but I keep wanting to lament all the erasure that has and is still being done to the detriment of the neurodivergent community.

I have just recently found an autistic therapist through ndtherapists.com and Open Path. It is revolutionary. And I wish I would have had access to this resource years ago before the trauma and immense damage to my self-esteem as an adult occurred in evangelical missionary/ministry settings.

You mentioned the 11 year median time gap between first seeking help and getting the appropriate care noted in one study, and I resonate with that trajectory. I had a difficult time explaining my struggles to all the prior counselors, some of whom prescribed actions to help me deal with depression/burnout that I just wasn’t capable of performing (like meeting other moms to make mom friends). And because of masking and my history of moving every three years to a different place, I probably wouldn’t have appeared to them as someone who struggles with social interactions because of neurological and thus cultural differences.

I wonder if you have any ideas how to help therapists develop more cross cultural competency? Or ideas how to make therapy more affordable and sustainable for marginalized folks?

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Krispin, thank you for writing this. As a very late life’s diagnosed AuDHD (over 65 and diagnosed less than 2 years ago), I am still in the weeds, trying to learn who I really am, what I really need, and reviewing my life with a different set of eyes. I started with a therapist (who is also Autistic) for the first time several months ago. It feels odd to share how I feel or discuss chronic and acute triggers. The reality of therapists not understanding or wanting to understand Autism, or maintaining the notion that is limited to boys and men, is sad beyond belief. I’m hoping the next generation gains a clearer understanding.

Finding out I was AudDHD and being in ministry helped me to understand so many things that I struggled (and still struggle) with. It was revealing!

I agree about the mental health crisis in this country. And Portland is one of the worst! The psychologist who did my testing and a skills program with me stopped taking my insurance for just the reasons you stated above. It’s very sad.

Thank you again

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Wow!!! Thank you for writing this. I am a school counselor and have neurodivergent folks in my family. I recently completed an extensive training to add Mental Health Specialist to my credentials. I failed the Autism section five (5) times because the information was outdated. I am continuing to learn how to help students on the spectrum and advocate for their needs. I will be checking out many of the resources listed here in the comments. Thanks again for writing this!

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