Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

This is such an important undertaking! Looking forward to following the new publication and learning more.

Do you know of Difference Press? *If* you do pursue a publisher in the future, this is an indie made for autistic people to write about their special interests. (Doesn’t it feel like this should be every publisher??) Run by Angela from the Autistic Culture podcast/Substack.

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I've never heard of Difference Press but it sounds so cool! And you are right, I feel like this is a grat marketing strategy for publishers -- autistic folks can write great books about their special interests :)

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What a great resource! Thank you for sharing!

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Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

I’m so stoked for this project!

You have already inspired me to reclaim my autonomy and voice. I’m looking forward to pointing others in your direction as this evolves. You and Krispin have already put a lot of work into STRONGWILLED and I wish for you that the conversations and connections that will take place as you share your thesis little by little will rewardingly delight you and bring you a modicum of hope.

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Thank you so much Pascale, this means a lot to me!!!! I honestly couldn't have made the leap to doing this project outside of traditional publishing if it hadn't been for the incredible community of readers I have found here. So thank YOU for giving me hope!

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Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

This is awesome! Also, can I recommend self-publishing on Amazon? You already have a solid audience, and I bet people would organically promote this kind of book for you. 😊 Love the project!

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Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

Oh! Can we talk more about PDA? I’m seeing PDA being hijacked by “people of authority.”

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I have not seen this! I will have to do some digging.

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Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

I’m reminded of Andy Weir, who wrote The Martian with his community. It’s such a cool way to develop a book!

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wow, I didn't know this! But that is so cool.

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Oooh, thanks for the recommendation. Checking this out!

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I loved reading this. I’m also slowly exploring ways to connect with people in community online and give the bird to capitalism while also trying to support myself and my family. I feel pretty hopeful. 🩵

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You are one of my heroes in these kinds of endeavors. Creativity + curiosity + and a willingness to try new things are SO inspiring to me (and you have all of that in spades)

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Apr 9Liked by D.L. Mayfield

what a long con, indeed! way to go!! it sucks it sometimes takes so long to create things of substance, especially something like a community, so props to you (and your family!) for continuing the struggle. also, side note, to see someone else talk about ethical OCD makes me feel less alone, so thanks for mentioning that one. you're inspiring!!

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Navigating those clubs sounds absolutely awful. Talk about places that demand fawning! I’m autistic and while indie publishing has very a different set of struggles, I can relate to the anxiety and ethical OCD. And I publish *fiction*. I hate social media more and more. I’m only on IG bc the thought of anything else makes me so anxious, and I may be saying goodbye to IG in the next year or so. I’m so glad you’re publishing your writing in a way that feels more sustainable to you, and the Strongwilled project is so needed.

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Thank you so much for this, D.L. I am so excited to read Strongwilled and I love that you found a way to do it that works so well for you (and us!).

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Thank you Catherine -- and I owe you an email (hopefully in a few days!)

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Whenever your body and mind say it's time, I'll look forward to it.

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Congrats! Thank you for naming and taking up space in this way. I tried the traditional route with a few projects and did all the things they wanted but it felt terrible in my nervous system. I figured that's just the price to be paid. Then I went self-pub route and my body was ecstatic! I felt SO MUCH JOY having that kind of autonomy and creative freedom. The response was icing on the cake. The way that kind of process made me feel was the absolute win.

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